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About us


Discover Your Literary Compass: Navigating Writing and Publishing with Ivoh.org

At Ivoh.org, we are your beacon in the world of writing and publishing. Born from a collective passion for words and storytelling, our journey began when a group of English literature graduates decided to bridge the gap between academic study and the real-world challenges of becoming a writer.

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What We Offer

We specialize in a broad spectrum of content tailored to writers:

Discover your voice, refine your skills, and build confidence to share your stories with the world.

From creative fiction to non-fiction, explore in-depth resources on crafting compelling narratives.

Demystify the publishing process with our comprehensive guides on finding agents, working with publishers, and self-publishing options.

Meet the Team

Anastasia Ritchie

Anastasia Ritchie is a co-founder of the blog. She enjoys writing on a daily basis, and she has experience in communicating with publishers.

Stacey Bennett

Stacey Bennett is blog’s co-founder and she focuses mainly on writing and exploring things writers should be aware of before they start working on a novel for the first time.

Our Values

Integrity, inclusivity, and inspiration are the core values that drive every article, guide, and workshop we offer. We believe in the power of words to change the world and commit to fostering a supportive community where all voices can be heard.

Join Our Community

At Ivoh.org, we’re more than just a website; we’re a community of passionate writers and readers. Your feedback and stories fuel our mission and help shape our content. Join us as we explore the art of writing and share our adventures in the literary world.

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